If you want to reduce your (spectroscopic and pointing) data with class one should use the **observer5** computer. Everyone with an account in the mpifr network can login to this computer with his/her account. It is connected to the /homes server. It is also connected to /homes/astro/gag, so your gildas packeage of choice should work. It is also possible to use a local version of class, which is used to write the spectroscopic and pointing data. to enable this change to the bash shell by typing bash and source the init file:\\ \\ **source /opt/ClassWriter/EffelsbergPipeline/init_classwriter.sh**\\ \\ afterward you can try to run\\ \\ **class**\\ \\ the Data from the pipeline is stored in **/Class** on **observer5** and after 15 minutes appears also in **/daten/Class** on **be4** and after a time also in **be3** and **/eff/data/** and **/hsm/effarchive/**.To open the file:\\ \\ **las90> file in "/daten/Class/class_2010_10_20.100m"**\\ \\ **las90> find**\\ \\ for pointings you have to switch to continuum mode:\\ \\ **las90> set type c**\\ \\ **cas90> find**\\ \\ to switch back for line observations:\\ \\ **cas90> set type l**\\ \\ **las90> find**\\ \\ To look for new data type and wait:\\ \\ **las90> new**\\ \\ You can of course write out your spectra to a new file. You have to specify it with:\\ \\ **las90> file out myFile.100m mult**\\ \\