Table of Contents

Using the DBBC as a spectrometer

The DBBC is the new digital VLBI backend. With its flexibility in tuning and filter size and the possibility to use software correlators to analyse the data it can be used to perform very high resolution spectroscopy.

The general features of the VLBI equipment

More details can be found at Hat-Lab

The data from the DBBC is send out in VSI format. A VSI cable connects the DBBC with a Mark5B recorder, which records the data on disk modules (diskpacks of 8 PATA or SATA hard disks) in Mark5B format. The Mark5B formatted data consists of two parts a header and the payload. The header is composed of 4 32 bit words and the body of the frame is composed of 2500 32 bit words. More details can be found in the Mark5B manual on page 15 and 16 Mark5B Manual

Software to access Mark5B data

Jan Wagner has written some tools to access Mark5B data from python. They all use the module. mark5b_tools.tar

There is also a collection of different script that use the, e.g.

Another, maybe the proper, way to access the data are the tools from the mark5access library mark5access-1.4.5.tar.gz. They are part of the DifX software correlator package, see DifX docu