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Technical Documentation of 50cm 300-900 MHz (P500)

TypeHEMT LNA, unclooled
RF Frequency Range300-900 MHz
Band Width RF Filter300 - 505 MHz
608 - 685 MHz
790 - 915 MHz)
1. Local OscillatorULO1 = 1250-1850 MHz
1. IF2100 - 2200 MHz
2. Lcal OscillatorULO2 = 2000MHz fixed
2. IF100 - 200 MHz
PolarizationLHC and RHC
CalibrationNoise Diode
Feed11-Feed from DRAO
Output300 - 900 MHz

Block Diagram


This receiver is a straight forward 300 MHz to 900 MHz receiver with no down conversion. Due to intensive RFI in this broad frequency band three filter bands are installed to prevent the system from sturation by the strongest interferer. Nevertheless there is much more RFI in the band that has to be filtered in the backend. For a dedicated project a switchable RF filter plus LNA has been inserted. The filter has a bandwidth of 7 MHz and its frequency is fixed from 399 to 406 MHz. For continuum measurements an analogue filtering down converter module to an IF of 100 MHz to 180 MHz for both channels is available:
electronics/rx/techinfo/documentation_p500mm.1608048624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/15 17:10 by rkeller