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The new OnlinePipeline for spectroscopy is now enabled. It runs on the computer be4 (formerly observer5) in the account obseff. It is started with the command classWriterPripeline restart.
When it is started it waits for commands from the control system. It works for pointings and spectroscopic ONOFF (either frequency switched or position switched) observations and writes out ClassSpectra to be further processed with the gildas software. The class files named like class_2010_10_20.100m are written to the directory /daten/Class. Every user on the computer has permission to read the files.
Every 0.5 hour the directory is backuped to be3 and the effdata server /eff/data/ in Bonn. Please check if the software is running and producing spectra. There is no warning in the control program at the moment!

teleskop@observer3:~$ ps wux |grep teleskop | grep Online

You should see something like:

obseff 17311 0.1 0.5 104808 21056 pts/4 Sl 12:45 0:01 python /opt/EffelsbergSpecPipeline/OnlinePipeline

If the data is not written, because e.g. the ClassWriter has crashed, you can reprocess the data using the OfflinePipeline offline_spectroscopy_pipeline_classwriter.

information_for_astronomers/new_automatic_spectroscopy_pipeline_classwriter.1547124461.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/01/10 13:47 by hafok