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2.8cm secondary focus receiver (10300-10600 MHz)

This is a 4-horn system for sensitive continuum measurement, polarimetry, VLBI, and pulsar observations.

Calibration Information

Frequency [GHz] Channel Polarisation Tcal [K] Tsys [K] Sensitivity [K/Jy] SEFD [Jy] Aperture Eff. [%] TMB/S [K/Jy] Main Beam Eff. [%] FWHM [arcsec] Last update
10.45 A (BB) LCP 7.5 51 1.35 38 47 2.4 56 68 Jul 2008
10.45 B (BB) RCP 7.5 53 1.35 40 46 2.4 57 68 Jul 2008
normalized Gain curve (G = A0 + A1·Elv + A2·Elv2) Observed in confirmed
A0 = 0.99000A1 = 8.2490e-04A2 =-1.7433e-05Feb 2007 Dec 2012


  • The new gain curve (Feb 2007) was corrected for opacity.
  • If no other information about the opacity is available a typical zenith tau value of about 0.02 should do a good job.

Version description for OBSINP

RX Name Wavelength [cm] Frequency (center) [GHz] Nr. of Horns
S28mm 4-beam 2.8 10.3-10.6 (10.45) 4
Version: Comment
1. Continuum/Line (BW: 300 MHz) Continuum/Spectroscopy + Polarimeter
2. Pulsar (BW: 100 MHz) Pulsar narrow band
Horn offsets [arcsec] Horn 1: 0.0,-450.0, 2: 186.0,-450.0, 3: -825.0,-450.0, 4: -535.0,-450.0

Channel assignment in the MBFITS data files

2.8cm SFK multi horn receiver with polarimeter, 4 horns
Module 1 (2 horns) and Module 2 (2 horns)
Channel IF Pol. Comment
1 BB LCP M1, Horn 1, TP A
2 BB RCP M1, Horn 1, TP B
3 BB cross M1, Horn 1, cos AB
4 BB cross M1, Horn 1, sin AB
5 BB LCP M1, Horn 2, TP A
6 BB RCP M1, Horn 2, TP B
7 BB cross M1, Horn 2, cos AB
8 BB cross M1, Horn 2, sin AB
9 BB LCP M2, Horn 3, TP A
10 BB RCP M2, Horn 3, TP B
11 BB cross M2, Horn 3, cos AB
12 BB cross M2, Horn 3, sin AB
13 BB LCP M2, Horn 4, TP A
14 BB RCP M2, Horn 4, TP B
15 BB cross M2, Horn 4, cos AB
16 BB cross M2, Horn 4, sin AB

Spectroscopy modes and resolution

BW nchan nu Df Dv dv
MHz MHz kHz km/s km/s
100 32768 10300 3.1 0.089 0.103
100 32768 10400 3.1 0.088 0.102
100 32768 10500 3.1 0.087 0.101
100 32768 10600 3.1 0.086 0.100

BW … band width
nchan … number of spectral channels
nu … center frequency
Df … Channel separation (in frequency)
Dv … Channel separation (in velocity)
dv … Velocity resolution (dv=1.16*Dv)

Tcal and Tsys measurements


information_for_astronomers/rx/s28mm.1382362839.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/21 15:40 by bwinkel