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Technical Documentation of the 3mm Receiver 84 - 96 GHz (P3mm)

TypeHEMT cooled
Channels 3
Receiver Noise TemperatureChannel AChannel BChannel C
Bandwidth RF-FiltersNo RF FilterNo RF FilterNo RF Filter
Polarization Horn IHorn I Horn II
LHC (Channel A) RHC (Channel B) LHC (Channel C)
CalibrationNoise diode and pulse cal injection in IF
FeedPrimary fokus horns
RF Frequency Range84-96 GHz
1. IF Frequency19.5 - 22.5 GHz
1. SynthesizerHolzworth HSM12001Frequency = 7875.0 - 9375.0 MHz (f0 = 8156.25 MHz)
Local Oscillator 1LO1=8*(7875.0 - 9375.0) MHz = 63-75 GHZ
2. IF Frequency2-4GHz
2. SynthesizerValon 5009, Synth. 2f0=2250 MHz
Local OscillatorsLO2=8*2250 MHz = 18 GHz
3.IF Frequency0.5-1.0 GHz
3. SynthesizerValon 5009, Synth. 2f0=2250 MHz
Local OscillatorsLO3=2250 MHz

Block Diagram

ULO Frequencies:

fLO1 = (fsky– 21,0 GHz) / 16
fLO2 = 2250MHz
Simplified Block Diagram of 3mm_receiver_modified.pdf the complete receiver, (ZMK on 16.08.2019)
Simplified Block Diagram of3mm_block_diagram_second_version.pdf (RK on 15.08.2019)
Local Frequency Generation for 3mm Receiver using a Valon 5009 Dual Frequency
Valon5009 synthesizer’s Frequency Response Consideration valon5009_frequency_response.pdf



This is a tunable single sideaband superheterodyne system fo line and total power observations. For frequency dependent receiver and calibration temperatures see diagramm below. The Receiver provides two horns for beam switching. The geometric distance of the horns is d = 9,7 mm, the beam seperation at sky is 55 Arcsec.

This system is part of the Primary Focus Multi Frequency Box #1 (PM 1).

electronics/rx/techinfo/documentation_p3mm.1616422398.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/22 15:13 by rkeller