Information for Astronomers
Information for Astronomers
Continuum (Mapping , Pointing, Focus etc) and Spectroscopy is acquired on the be4 computer.
The data is stored in /daten/Raw. This data obtained with the new FitsWriter/control program is stored to /daten/mbfits. Binary Data for the HI Survey (the array data section) is stored as subscan binary files in /daten/AFFTS. Logging information for the observed scans is stored in the mySQL observation database. Spectroscopy data is processed with the spectroscopy pipeline on the computer be4 and stored locally on be4 in /daten/Class. /daten is now actually a NAS exporting 120 TB of disk space.
The data is accessible via observer2 via rsync+ssh, scp using the obseff account. This computer is also accessible from the guest network in Effelsberg via observer2g