Information for Astronomers
Information for Astronomers
Observing time at the 100-m telescope is granted on basis of an observing proposal subject to a peer-review procedure. Applications for observing time can be submitted three times a year - currently the deadlines are around Feb 5, Jun 5, Oct 5. However, in case of sudden developments, it is possible to submit a "Target-of-Opportunity" proposal at any time.
Click here for the current "Call for proposals".
Proposals have to be created, edited and submitted via our NorthStar proposal tool.
All requests for observing time are discussed by the Effelsberg Program Committee (PKE). The
PKE makes its decisions on behalf of the MPIfR board of directors. The PI of the project will
receive a notification about the assessment of the proposal.
Members of the PKE are scientist of the MPIfR (3 persons), of the Argelander-Institute for
Astronomy (University of Bonn, 1 person), of another German institute (1 person) and of various
European institutes (3 persons). The meetings are chaired by the scheduler for the 100-m
In case of a successful proposal, your project will be scheduled as soon as possible. Please note, however, that there are several circumstances, which could delay the scheduling: availability of the receivers (especially for prime focus systems), weather constraints (e.g., high frequency spectroscopy is best done in winter), etc.
In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact us under **sched100m[at] .
Current observing schedules can be found here.
In order to make best use of periods of good weather, we try to do the scheduling rather flexible. Usually, the schedule for the weather-critical (i.e., high-frequency) observations (plan A) is accompanied by a schedule for long-wavelength observations.
A red dot in the schedule (on plan A) marks the time, when the observer (of the plan A project) has to decide whether he/she wants to observe or not.
Please note, that a timely weather decision is the responsibility of the observer. The operator on duty can provide recent forecasts and help with the decision.
Observing time which has been rejected because of bad weather will not be counted and can be rescheduled later.