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Here, we have compiled answers to frequently asked questions, for your convenience.

under construction


How do I get to Effelsberg

How can I get my sources into the system (prepare catalogs)?

Is it possible to prepare observing scripts?

Setup the instrument

What do I need to do for continuum observations?

What do I need to do for spectroscopy?


Previewing the data

I did continuum maps. Is there a way to preview them?

How can I have a look into my spectral data, to check if everything is ok?

Obtaining the data

Where is the data stored?

How do I copy them to my place?

Calibrating and analyzing the data

What steps are necessary to calibrate my data?

information_for_astronomers/user_guide/faq.1394779299.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/14 07:41 by bwinkel